When you don’t set boundaries & you try to please everyone, you are telling yourself that YOU DON’T MATTER.
When you allow others to come before your own happiness, you are telling yourself that YOU DON’T MATTER.
When you say “yes” when you want to say “No”, you are telling yourself that YOU DON’T MATTER.
When you don’t speak up because you are afraid of what other people will think, you are telling yourself that YOU DON’T MATTER.
When you allow others to speak to you poorly, you are telling yourself that YOU DON’T MATTER
When you continue to answer work emails from home at 10p, you are telling yourself YOU DON’T MATTER
When you don’t make yourself a priority, you are telling yourself that YOU DON’T MATTER.
But is it really true? Do you NOT matter? Of course it isn’t true. So stop taking actions that tell otherwise.
YOU MATTER. And setting boundaries is an act of love toward yourself and an act of respect toward others. Start proving to yourself that you matter & you aren’t going to settle!
If you want to dive deeper into this work, I have 1-on-1 Coaching Spots Now Open! START SHOWING UP AS THE MOST VIBRANT, EMPOWERED & UNSTOPPABLE VERSION OF YOU.
Setup a clarity call with me & lets chat about how you can take back control of your time & create boundaries that serve you! BOOK A CALL: https://calendly.com/lindseymease
